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HomeAbout The Times44 End Times Prophecies in the Process of Being Fulfilled NOW

44 End Times Prophecies in the Process of Being Fulfilled NOW

One third of the Bible is made up of Prophecy over half has already been fulfilled. What remains is mostly related to End Times prophecies and also to Israel during these times. Israel is central to much of the End Times prophecies—which is ironic as Israel had been literally wiped off the map for the last 2,000 years by the Romans. (After the third revolt just as Jesus predicted Jerusalem and its temple was destroyed and the entire land was renamed Syria Palæstina by Hadrian of Rome in 70 AD.)

However, in 1948 Israel was dramatically born again in a day and in the process fulfilled a massive End Time prophecy by Isaiah. This ONE event started the End Time Prophecies clock ticking. Since then, many End Time prophecies are now in various stages of fulfillment.

Consider this, most of these prophecies were predicted over 2,000 years ago; when everyone travelled by foot; communicated person to person; used scrolls; and the population of the earth was only 170 million.

14 End Times Prophecies Being Fulfilled – Specifically to do with Israel:

End Times Prophecies Israel born in a day

Israel will be reborn in one day; (Isaiah 66:8). On May 14, 1948 Israel dramatically became a nation in ONE day. It was last minute, when the British withdrew their forces from Palestine. It was reborn, recognised by the US and then attacked by Muslims the same day.

Israel shall become one nation in the last days (Ezekiel 37:15-22). Prior to last century, Ancient Israel had always been divided into two kingdoms since the time of Solomon (950 B.C.) Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Today’s Israel is one nation.

Jews from around the all over the world would regather in Israel again (Isaiah 11:11-12; Isaiah 56:8; Ezekiel 37:21-22; 38:8; Luke 21:29-31). There has been a gathering of Jews from the 4 corners of the globe since 1948. 47% of all Jews, now reside in Israel. Recent Law of Return legislation, passed in July of 2022 allows for any Jew or convert to be given citizenship of Israel.

Jerusalem would be rebuilt on its own ruins (Jeremiah 30:18; Zechariah 12:6). Since 1948, Jerusalem has been rebuilding itself on the same old ruins, just as it was foretold.

[Hebrew] a pure language would be restored (Zephaniah 3:9) Hebrew—after being extinct on the planet for centuries—was resurrected on October 13th 1881 by Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the Jewish lexiconolgogist of the first Hebrew dictionary. Hebrew is now widely spoken and has now become the official language of Israel.

Dry desolate places of Israel would flourish again. (Isaiah 27:6; 35:1-2; Ezekiel 36:34-36). Jewish immigrants last century as casualties of war, were given only wastelands to settle which they completely reclaimed from 1900 years of barrenness.

Israel will become an economic powerhouse according to End Times Prophecy   (Ezekiel 38:12-13). The tiny nation of Israel exported over $143 billion dollars worth of goods in 2021. In contrast, their established neighbor Jordan, exported 13.8 billion 2021.

All surrounding nations would be united against Israel (Psalm 83:4-8; Zechariah 12:2). Israel is now surrounded by Muslim nations sworn to her destruction. From the time she became a nation in 1948, she continues to be regularly attacked.

The third temple in Jerusalem would be rebuilt (Daniel 9:27; 12:11; Mark 13:14; 2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 11:1-2). Plans for the actual Temple are already complete.

Temple sacrifices would commence again in the last days. (Daniel foresaw the Antichrist ending the daily sacrifices). (Daniel 9:27; 12:11). The Temple Institute has already created the temple furniture, vessels, and priestly garments. Two hundred young Jewish men are in training for the Levitical priesthood. The Red Heifer breeding program is also underway.

The Eastern Gate to Jerusalem would remain closed until the Messiah returns. (Ezekiel 44:1-3). (Ezekiel was a 6th Century BC prophet.) Today the Eastern Gate remains sealed in Jerusalem after a succession of sealings by Muslim invaders, from 810 AD. It was finally walled up by Suleiman I in 1541 AD.

Golden Gate in Jerusalem remains shut as according to End times Prophecies. Muslims have also placed their cemetary outside of the gate in order to prevent the return of the Messiah.

The dead sea would come to life again. (Ezekiel 47:8) Reports of fresh water sinkholes opening up, supporting fish and replenishing the Dead Sea.

Israel will be blind to the fulfillment of these prophecies until the Messiah returns. (Luke 19:41-42; Luke 13:34-35; Romans 11:25-26).

30 General End Times Prophecies in the process of being fulfilled

The water of the Euphrates River would dry up. (Revelation 16:12). The Euphrates has flowed for thousands of years. It is now drying up mainly due to the water administration of the Ataturk Dam in Turkey, completed in 1990, upstream. There has also been a prolonged drought in the region. The Euphrates River has always formed a natural protective barrier for Israel against nations from the east like Turkey, Russia even China. The prophecy concerning the Euphrates River foretells of an massive invading force from the east, during the time of tribulation that will be able cross the dry Euphrates river bed, to invade Israel.

Euphrates River is drying up in line with End Times Prophecies

Many Nations would form like buds on a tree. (Luke 21:29-32). Since 1945, more than 80 former colonies belonging to empires gained their independence like Australia to become self-standing nations.

Egypt will still exist at the end, but only as a third world country (Ezekiel 29:14-16). At the time of this prophecy Egypt was one of the greatest ancient civilizations. Egypt it was prophesied, would still exist in the last days but only as a third world nation – which will “never again exalt itself above the nations” (v. 15).

Increase in Wars. (Mark 13:7-8; Luke 21:10) There is no doubt that wars are increasing. The Latest study of data on the increase of wars puts that increase at 2% per year since 1870). This is a birth pain marker. “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom“. Ethnic and national conflicts would be prevalent. Just in the past two decades since 9/11 there have been 42,524 deadly Islamic terrorist some of which have just appalled the world. (Luke 21:11)

Weapons of mass destruction predicted: (Matthew 24:21:22, Isaiah 24: 19-21, Until this century mankind has never been capable of destroying all life at once. When these prophecies were made 2,000 years ago the armaments of the day were swords and spears. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is now possible to “wipe out all flesh” on planet Earth in an instant. 

The use of a neutron bomb was also predicted 2,500 years ago. (Zechariah 14:12) “their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.” This is the description of a neutron bomb.

The kings from the East (China, Korea) would be capable of deploying a 200-million-man army during earth’s final days (Revelation 9:14-16; 16:12). China currently has 3,134,000 military personnel and 619 million manpower fit for military service. The army would be raised as part of the last invasion of the Middle East fulfilling these End times Prophecies.

Earth would be filled with violence (Luke 17:26; Genesis 6:11-13). Aside from homicides, bombings, riots and violent robberies, Over 73 million babies are destroyed (violently) every year.

Christians will be hated and killed (Luke 21:17; Revelation 6:9-11; 20:4). Persecution is now in the West with the banning of the Bible in schools, removing prayer from Parliament, the Ten Commandments from Courts of Law. More Christians were martyred during the past century than during all previous history. There are over 50 countries, where it is dangerous to be a Christian.

Marriage will be forbidden by some Christian sects, despite being endorsed by God. (1 Timothy 4:3). The Catholic Church forbids its 400,000 priests, 650,000 nuns plus numerous bishops, cardinals, and monks from marrying.

People will be lovers of self, money, and pleasure, haters of good;(2 Timothy 3:1-9) This selfie generation has been like no other. Self-love, self-esteem, self-reliance, self-gratification are concepts that are all promoted by media, schools, sports, psychologists and so on. Even the concept of “Selfies” was unheard of, until the last twenty years thanks to social media. This is one of the End Time Prophecies we can see playing out right now.

End Times Prophecy: (Days of Noah) Richard Seed, cloning researcher with maniacal plans.

Transhumanism corrupting the DNA (Like the days of Noah) (Genesis 6:12, Luke 17:26) This was such a concerning time for God. It was a time when the human bloodline was being corrupted. The philosophy of transhumanism and AI is the same threat, today. Man is interfering with human DNA, this time with AI and mRNA. Along with the Great Reset, these philosophies are of “deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron”; Antichrist researchers and philosophers like Richard Seed, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari are examples in today’s landscape of the Days of Noah. They hate God. They scoff at Bible prophecy. They see themselves are gods. They are corrupting mans DNA.

Unaware of the dangerous times they were in (like the days of Noah) (Luke 17: 26-27) However the days of Noah comes with a second warning. The people in Noah’s time were going about their business, and then unexpectedly the floods came. Likewise, the people of today will be going about their everyday lives, thinking everything is fine, and then tribulation will hit.

A new species of human will be created in the future from the AI laboratory, assisted by computing power able to hack minds.

Homosexuality, lawlessness, love of evil would be flaunted at the end of the age. (2 Peter 2:6-9,) Jesus warned that the last days would be like the days of Lot who lived in Sodom “The sensual conduct by reprobate men who indulged in strange flesh with corrupt desires and despised authority.” Just like today.

Increase in Knowledge (Daniel 12:4) This is due to increased global access to education and access to the internet. Recent facts claim that 83% of the world now own smartphones.

Instant global communications (Rev 11: 9-10) It was stated 2,100 years ago that the entire world will watch certain end time events unfold. Only since the invention of the television, computers and smart phones using global satellite networks can news travel the world at the speed of light. (When the above was written, news traveled by horseback.) 

Multitudes would travel to and fro.  (Daniel 12:4) There has always been travel by boat. The size of boats has increased over the centuries. However, this prophecy concerning “the multitudes” has only been made possible with the advent of cars, buses, railways and aircrafts. Consider air travel alone. 25 million tourist arrivals in 1950. Just 68 years later, in 2018, this number had increased to 1.4 billion international arrivals per year—a 56-fold increase.

The rise of the occult (Revelation 21:8; Isaiah 47:9-15; Micah 5:10-15). Occult practices refer to the means to obtain knowledge and power through dealings with Satan and the spirit world and include, witchcraft, horoscopes, divination, tarot cards, telling the future, the use of charms, spells, mediums, wizardry, or summoning spirits of the dead. These practices are flourishing today to the point where cartoon series like Little Demon try to normalise it.

Little Demon
The End Times prophecies speak of a rise in occult. The “Little Demon” is the Disney Fox latest offering.

Humanity would become increasingly materialistic and lovers of pleasure (2 Timothy 3:1-5). No generation in history has had so many means to entertain and arouse the senses. Every imaginable hedonistic pleasure is available, entertainment is an $30 billion a year industry. Pleasure has become big business.

Epidemic drug use foreseen (Revelation 9:21; 18:23). The Greek word “sorceries” is the word “pharmakeia”. Pharmakeia refers to the administering and use of drugs and poisons. It encompasses spells and potions, medications including the wide-spread use of anti-depressants, supplements and also vaccines. Drugs use is more pervasive in the world in this generation than in any other period in history.

Sexual immorality would be rampant (Jude 18; Revelation 9:21). Keep in mind, Jesus said whoever looks to lust has already committed adultery in his heart (Matthew 5:28). Therefore, God equates anything that produces lust in a person like internet porn, raunchy clothing, fashion, movies, TV shows, and magazines to “fornication”. Marketers even use sex nowadays to sell their products. The availability and consumption of sensual products has just exploded in our generation.

The rise of a Global Government, (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:23; Revelation 13:7-8). The term globalisation did not appear in dictionaries until 1951. Yet 2,200 years ago it was predicted that all nations of the world would “hand over all authority” to one person who came out of a global power alliance of 10 “kings”. Tribulation prophecies detail that handover.

A global money system and system of trade. (Revelation 13:16-17). End times prophecies reveal that one person will be able to control all trade and commerce.

A one world Religion would develop; (Rev 13 11-16) Currently the UN has established Global Fraternity as its contribution to a global religion. However, the end times prophecies describe a one world religious leader that would get the world to worship the antichrist who has now been taken over by Satan. While this is still a future Tribulation event, movements like “Chrislam” and “Global Fraternity” are just setting the stage for a global acceptance of this one world religious leader.

Abuse and destruction of the earth and its resources (Revelation 11:18). This generation has done more to ravage the environment in the name of economics than any previous generation.

Great Earthquakes in many different places. (Luke 21:11; Isaiah 24:19-20; Revelation 6:12-14;16:18-20). Earthquakes are increasing and just like the prophecies state are becoming more diverse.

Famines all over the world would be common (Luke 21:11; Revelation 6:5-8) with even more predicted next year.

Global epidemics;  (Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:8) Recent pandemics like Covid – 3.3 million deaths , HIV – 36 million, 1920 Flu – 50 million and emerging diseases such as Nipah Virus, ebola, Dengue Fever, SARS, support this prophecy.

Epidemic control workers stand guard outside a community in lockdown, in Beijing, on Nov. 29.KEVIN FRAYER/GETTY IMAGES

God said that His name would be great among the gentile nations (Malachi 1:11; Philippians 2:9-11). Today, almost 2.56 billion people identify as a Christian.

Even after heaven and earth pass away, the words of Jesus would never be forgotten (Luke 21:33). The Bible is still the best-selling book of all time, having sold around 5 billion copies to date. Every year 500 million scripture portions are distributed by Bible societies. 2,000 years after Jesus’ time of earth his words still nations and people.

When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, (Luke 21:34-36; 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6). Despite the detailed warnings of the approach and fulfilment of these End Times prophecies, many people will still be caught off guard when these begin to happen. “Peace and Safety” is the call that brings in the antichrist.

What’s ahead after the birth pains.

The Bible has four stages to End Times Prophecies concerning the time of Tribulation. First there are the Birth Pains. Many of what is detailed in the 44 prophecies above, fall into this category. These are the alerts that let us know that we are approaching the birth of those times of tribulation.

Everything changes however, once Russia with the help of Turkey and other Muslim allies attacks Israel and loses. Israel will win this war supernaturally. That loss will pave the way for a seven year peace treaty with Israel and the building of the third temple in Jerusalem.

The signing of this peace treaty will be the commencement of Stage One of the tribulation. One quarter of the world will die during the next 3.5 years due to wars inflation, famines and disease.

The breaking of this peace deal at the 3.5 year mark sets up Stage Two of the Great tribulation where it gets much worse. This will be detailed in our next update.

The church is raptured before tribulation begins. With the church out of the way the mediator of the peace deal is able to come to full demonic power and destroy the world as we know it. One third of the seas, rivers and another third the population of the world will be destroyed during this last 3.5 years of the tribulation (Stage Two). It has been likened to a massive nuclear global war.

Stage Three is the return of the Messiah with his saints to the great War of Armageddon.

EDITOR: Prophecy proves God exists. This kind of foreknowledge detailed in the Bible can only come from a supernatural source. The next body of prophecy we will be posting will be concerning the timeline of tribulation events. End Times Prophecies concerning the The End of Days is recorded throughout the Bible. However, it is detailed more fully in Matthew 24, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Ezekiel 37-39, Daniel 7-9 and the entire book of Revelation. In the meanwhile just keep a lookout for the war with Israel as this is the last of the birth pains.

Source: Adapted from 101 End Times Bible Prophecies. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash



  1. Of the prophecies of the bible, only one remains, it’s not half that are fulfilled, but 99.9% of them. Any remaining prophecies in the bible that are unfulfilled, are one and the same end times prophecy. The same prophecy can be found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Native American beliefs, and every other eschatology. The end times prophecies are not different, they are speaking of the exact same events and the same prophet. Jesus basically says he will ask the father to send another prophet, who will reveal all truth, who will understand the parables and will remind the people not only of the teachings of Jesus, but the other prophets as well. Reading into the other eschatologies, you see the same details, and that is not simply coincidence. These 9 religions came from Sumerian Animism: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Seikism, Taoism/Daoism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and finally Baha’i, which comes from all of those and the Native American beliefs. As far as stage one and 2, they are the same. The war Russia has started, is the war of Gog and Magog in Revelation, we are at the end. The Native Americans say that all of the final prophecies are happening now, and they have never been wrong. The tribulation itself started a long time ago, long before I was born. And right before Russia started this war, it did get worse. And at the time when the truth was supposed to be revealed, the whole world was put into lockdown. This was likely done to prevent the new Prophet of God from becoming enlightened and beginning his journey, however this did not stop anything as nothing can stop the plan of God for humanity. In fact, this event is what awakened the phoenix. By attempting to stop what is coming, they in fact caused it to happen. The Book of Truth exists, it is real and the whole world will see this Book of Truth (Book of Armageddon). The Prophet will not be known to the world, so the world will not accept him. But the people he lives with, and among (in), will know him. The Prophet is here, right now. The phoenix is stretching his wings, in preparation. Certain things have to happen first, but the time is now. There’s no more time for prayer or talk on this. Without action, God will abandon us forever. Because our actions are what will show that we deserve to be saved at all. Jesus did not die for our sins to be forgiven, he died because of our sins, to remind us, so we can see if we are even worthy to forgive ourselves. Can you forgive yourself for the wrong you’ve done? If not, neither can God. Muslims aren’t going to side with Russia, but what the Israeli government is doing to Gaza, is going to get the entire Muslim world involved in this war. As soon as Gaza is empty, the holy war begins. The only people who will win in this war, are those who flee the cities and live a natural life in harmony with the earth, the people who create things to heal the Earth and her creatures, and who do everything in peace. If we want that peaceful world God promises, with all of the Temples to God restored, then we must be people of peace. Any violence on our part, means we lose. Keep in mind, two thirds of the world will get destroyed. These days, that means nuclear war. And almost all of the final prophecies tell of this war and how bad it will be.


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