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Urgent need to improve vaccine safety testing

Vaccine safety testing needs to be on par with medicines.

Robert Kennedy Jr is a successful Environmental Lawyer. For the last 20 years Robert has taken up the mantel to have vaccines tested like other medical products. Vaccines are the only medical product that are currently exempt from safety testing.

Background to the Vaccine Safety Testing.

The precursor to the Centre of Disease Control (CDC) was the public health Service. They were a quasi-military organisation formed as a national security defence in the event of a biological attack from an enemy. Their role was to counter a biological attack like anthrax with a vaccine. Then to have that vaccine distributed quickly to the American populations.

To avoid the rigorous and lengthy safety testing required of all ‘medicines’ by US law the vaccines were instead relabeled as a ‘biologics’. That label still exists today for vaccines.

“Biological drugs, commonly referred to as ‘biologics’, are a class of drugs that are produced using a living system, such as a micro-organism, plant cell, or animal cell. Biologics are usually administered via injection or infusion.”

Vaccine safety testing as a result, has managed to avoid the double-blind placebo testing that medicines require. They also did not follow the test subjects for 5 years to see if cancers develop. Instead, the biologics labelling allowed manufacturers to bring their product to market relatively fast, by medicine standards, with virtually no vaccine safety testing.  

TCN Interview with Robert F Kennedy

The following information extracted from an explosive 80-minute interview made with TCN.

Of the 72 vaccines mandated for children in the US not one of them have been placebo tested. Robert F. Kennedy Jr teamed up with Del Bigtree of the Informed Consent Action Network to take on the Department of Health and Human Services for vaccine safety violations and they have won.  In particular he wanted them to produce any proof of testing children’s vaccines. The HHS admitted in Court there had been no vaccine safety testing. (TCN interview with Robert Kennedy Jr 7min.55sec minute mark)

What this means is that there is no verifiable data to prove whether the vaccines are averting more problems than they are causing.

There is now a body of evidence in peer reviewed journals indicating that vaccines are causing more injuries than the disease they are targeting to prevent.

In the US vaccine companies have been exempt from being liable for side effects since 1986 when Congress voted in the Vaccine Act. Australia adopted similar laws to exempt the manufacturers of the Covid Vaccines in October 2020.

Since the removal of stringent vaccine safety testing and a widespread mandate use of vaccine there have been some major changes in public health. In 1989 an epidemic of chronic diseases began to appear (15min mark of above video). Autism went from 1 in 10,000 prior to 1986 to 1 in 34 in children today. Other chronic diseases like Autoimmune disease, Lupus, ADHD, Ticks, Speech displays all exploded. Prior to 1986, 12 % of children had chronic diseases.

Today 54% of children have chronic diseases.

EPA scientists were commissioned by Congress to understand the year when the Autism epidemic began. They reported it started 1989-1990.

Without Vaccine Safety Testing Vaccine companies can and are making billions.

Four companies are making 16 billion dollars selling vaccines.

Then they make a further 500 billion selling the epi-pens, Ritalin, anti-seizure medications designed to treat the vaccine injuries listed on the inserts of their vaccines.

These four companies are Sanofi, Maersk, Glaxo Smith Klein and Pfizer. (Black Rock has major shareholding in three and funds under management of the fourth.)

They have paid out in the last 10 years over 35 billion in criminal penalties and damages for falsifying science, bribing doctors, lying to regulators, falsifying science and for killing hundreds of thousands of people. (20min mark).

Vaccine Side Effects

Studies now show that African Americans are much more vulnerable to vaccine injuries, due to deficiencies in Vit D and higher testosterone level than Caucasians. Vaccine injuries target low Vitamin D. Testosterone amplifies the toxicity of the mercury found in vaccines. Males for example are 400% more likely than girls to have ADHD.

Asthma is listed as a vaccine side effect. Now 1 in 4 children have asthma.

There are 60 studies that show that vaccinated children are much sicker than unvaccinated children. (See above video at the 35 min mark)

Vaccinated children are 30 times more vulnerable to allergic rhinitis as unvaccinated children. Vaccinated children require 10 times special education rates; 3-4 times diabetes, 1100% risk of autism. Hospitalisation, eczema, food allergies, and ticks are associated with vaccines.

Also see Children’s Health Defense’s collection of 89 peer-reviewed published articles containing mounting evidence linking exposure to mercury, at critical moments in development, to autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. These include cellular, animal and human studies. 

Covid Vaccine Safety Testing

One of the current leaders in Covid vaccines in Moderna. Moderna’s Covid vaccine skipped animal testing. It was initially tested on 45 people. (See 39min mark of above video). It was first tested in Washington State with 45 subjects. 15 got a low dose, 15 got the medium dose and 15 got the high dose. These people were all heavily screened. They were all Caucasians, extremely healthy, not overweight, didn’t smoke and had no comorbidities.

The results showed On the Low Dose: 1 of those people had to be hospitalised. That translates to 6% got sick on the lowest dose. Of the 14 people on the highest dose, 3 had to be hospitalised.

This is the official published results “the highest dose, and three participants (21%) in the 250-μg dose group reported one or more severe adverse events.” (Remember they were very healthy to start with and not typical of any human populations.)

How did Moderna deliver a vaccine with 21% severe adverse events to being “completely safe”.

Without comprehensive vaccine safety testing drug companies are simply asking the public to take their word that the vaccines are now safe.

In view of all their track records in and out of the Courts; the huge profits at stake; the growing number of vaccine injuries; it is time to regulate vaccine safety testing to be on par with other medicines—Our future generations may depend on it.

EDITOR: People should not believe Robert Kennedy, or this site, or the CDC or the drug companies especially with the billions of dollars at stake. They should do their own research and make their own decisions on vaccine choices. However, we do join with Robert F Kennedy Jr in his call for vaccine safety testing in line with other medicinal products.

From an end time perspective there are warnings about super merchants and pharmakeia. The first seal judgement describes the conquering of nations without weapons. “He rode a white horse”— (the white coats of medicine could apply). Many wondered if Fauci or the WHO fitted this person after the damage to economies caused by the Covid shutdowns. The word used for his crown is “corona” in the Greek. A quarter of the world’s population will die from the flow on of this catastrophe. Fortunately, that time is not now as the required new Temple in Jerusalem has not been built yet.

Source: Photo by CDC on Unsplash



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