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Wars are increasing

The latest scientific study has proven that wars are steadily increasing. Between 1870 to 2001 state wars increased by 2% a year on average due to economic growth and growing borders.

Wikipedia has created a record of the frequency of wars on Earth for the past 500 years. According to their sources wars are increasing. Since the fifteenth century wars have increased 10-fold.
15th Century – 29 wars
16th Century – 59 wars
17th Century – 75 wars
18th Century – 69 wars
19th Century – 294 wars
20th Century – 278 wars

The first 10 years of the 21st Century has already seen 55 wars, which means we are heading for our biggest number yet.

From this map by Max Rosen, we can see conflicts represented by size and frequency across the centuries. The last two hundred years the size of the wars is increasing and the size of casualties.

Traditionally, wars have been fought through individual hand-to-hand combat. However, the last two centuries have seen the adoption of more lethal killing weapons. Today, a single weapon of mass destruction can kill hundreds of thousands of people in one hit. The wars and casualties are becoming more devastating.

EDITOR: Prophecy warns us about a nuclear war that wipes out a third of the world people plants and sea life. We haven’t had one of those. One of the markers is wars and rumors of wars.

Source: (image source Photo by UX Gun on Unsplash)



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