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HomeBreakingFallen Daniel Andrews Premier of Babylon, Victoria

Fallen Daniel Andrews Premier of Babylon, Victoria

Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews continually declares his Catholic credentials. Yet, Andrews political career show the fruit of a man in an apparent personal war against the God of his Catholic Bible. Instead of preserving Christian influence in society, Daniel Andrews throughout his time in Parliament has delivered a legacy that can only be described as anti-Christian, anti-God and anti-life.

Daniel Andrews started his personal anti-God war using the unborn. In 2008 as Health Minister he brought abortion to birth “for any reason” into Australia. He then voted AGAINST a number of humane amendments regarding those same to-be-terminated lives

Firstly, he voted AGAINST an amendment to save babies that were born alive from abortions. The procedure, called “labor induction abortion,” sometimes resulted in babies being aborted alive. The shocking result reported by The Age in victoria of dozens of babies are being born alive and left to die on the shelves in Victorian hospitals.

Daniel Andrews barbarically voted AGAINST the amendment to offer pain relief to unborn babies that can feel pain as their life was being terminated.

He voted FOR the amendment to allow partial birth abortions. Partial birth abortions is the practice in which a physician delivers an unborn child’s body until only the head remains inside the womb, punctures the back of the child’s skull with a sharp instrument, and sucks the child’s brains out before completing delivery of the dead infant. The practice was banned by the US Senate in 2003 as “gruesome, inhumane and never medically indicated” yet continues in Planned Parenthood clinics in Victoria.

Daniel Andrews also voted AGAINST the reporting of those girls that come into the abortion clinics, that might be child abuse victims.

He instituted laws that enforced a safe access zones around abortion clinics so well-meaning people could not intercept mothers to give brochures or offer assistance to help save their babies.

Daniel Andrews War against God in the Classroom

While he failed to ban the Bible and Prayer from the playground in 2014 due to public backlash, Daniel Andrews government did ban religious instruction during school hours. This meant tens of thousands of Victorian school children from 2015 no longer received the religious instruction, that formed the moral basis of Australian law.

In November 2015, the Andrews Government issued a fact sheet to government school principals which imposed a ban on children singing traditional Christmas songs that glorified god. A year later the ban was lifted again due to public backlash.

However, Daniel Andrews has instead made cultural marxist philosophies like “Safe Schools” and “Respectful Relationships” compulsory and funded those. He went onto fund the school programs and then put doctors in schools (away from their parents), to consult to children wanting to change their gender. He has now put the spectre of “domestic abuse” over parents that refuse to affirm the revised gender choice of their children.

Daniel Andrews championed and legalised euthanasia — the deliberate killing of the infirmed. The first one in Victoria taking place in Bendigo

He is also the man whose government decriminalised and substantially deregulated prostitution.

He also built the nation’s largest pride centre at a cost of $25 million to Victorian tax payers.

His government has now passed a law that criminalises prayer for LGBTI people—even if they ask for it, in relation to their sexual orientation or gender identity. The Catholic Weekly reported on those ten year jail terms he instituted for prayer.

Legalised same-sex adoption of motherless and fatherless children by design.

None of the actions of Daniel Andrews political career would fit in any Catholic or Christian playbook. He keeps referring to himself as a Catholic, but none of his actions are supported by his religion. In fact you would have to say that by Christian standards this soul of Daniel Andrews is in grave peril

Daniel Andrews is turning Melbourne to Babylon. (See 2 hour:14 min mark for Martin Isles summary of Daniel’s damning political legacy)

EDITOR: Daniel Andrews for whatever reason seems to be in a private war against God. He knows better, but is choosing to remove Christian values from government institutions, the classrooms and the Australian culture. No Christian or Catholic, should ever vote for this man.

On a very sombre note, one has to wonder if the banning of pain relief was to enable the harvest of adrenachrome from these traumatised babies.



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