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HomeBreaking80 year old banned for objecting to male in her change room

80 year old banned for objecting to male in her change room

WASHINGTON STATE: Staff at the YMCA had an 80 year old banned after she objected to showering with a biological male. The incident happened at the YMCA pool in the City of Townsend. She was showering when she heard a deep male voice in the changing rooms with her. She asked him to leave but he refused, claiming he was staff.

“There were gaps in the curtain and there I was, naked, with soap and water on me, and this guy, right there very close to me. I asked, ‘Do you have a penis?’ He said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ That’s when I told him, ‘Get out of here, right now.’”

Julie Jarman, had to stand naked in the presence of the male, a YMCA employee, despite her pleas and demands that he leave. She was also very concerned that this male was watching little girls as they peeled off their swimsuits,” the newspaper reported — the employee was later identified as Clementine Adams.

On seeing the YMCA’s aquatics manager, Rowen DeLuna, nearby, Julie Jaman called out to her, “Get him out of here.”

Instead of realising the embarrassing position the YMCA had put the longtime client in, the manager relied “You’re discriminating, and you can’t use the pool anymore and I’m calling the police,” DeLuna then told Jaman, according to the Free Press.

Julie was then instructed to leave, the paper reported.

Wendy Bart, the CEO of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA, stood by the actions of her staff, including the permanent ban of the 80-year-old. 

EDITOR: The YMCA hired a male identifying as a woman and had failed to notify its patrons of the changes that would result. Firstly, that the YMCA would be obligated to uphold the government’s anti-discrimination legislation. Which meant that male and female change rooms would not be strictly biological-based genders by the old standards. Julie Jarman had been going to the YMCA for forty years. A change in the YMCA policy like that should have been made public. The YMCA were remiss in their duty of care of their patrons. Further, the YMCA should provide individual shower and changing rooms to safeguard the privacy of their modest clients. A formal apology should have also been extended to Julie Jarman, for their oversight and cancelling of the ban. A moral compass like modesty, is not something a government can legislate against for the sake of being inclusive. However, it does point to the changing sexual morals of a society which is one of the End Time Markers.



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