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End Time Markers—Are We the Generation They Tried to Warn?

Between 2,000 and 3,000 years ago over fifteen prophets warned us about a time to come. This season would be witnessed by one generation. This same season would see the destruction of life on this planet in just over seven years. The destruction would be caused by two men who we would welcome as global leaders. One would be political and the other a religious leader of sorts. The prophets left us with a series of End Time Markers so we would know when we were in those times.

In 1948 the first of these End Time Markers appeared.

Rebirth of a Nation in a Day

After being completely ruined by the Romans in 65AD, Israel was renamed as Syria Palaestina. The temple, the cultural heartbeat of Israel was destroyed. Jews were banished. Israel ceased to exist for 1,900 years. However, Israel’s rebirth in ONE day was predicted 2,700 years ago.

On the 14th of May 1948 the nation of Israel was reborn in one day. The Jewish immigrants were given the wastelands. Jerusalem was built on its old ruins. Nearly 50% of all Jews now live in Israel.

Israel as a nation must exist in order for the End Times prophecies to come about and it now does. This is the first and vital marker.

Global Control

The term globalisation did not appear in dictionaries until 1951. Yet 2,200 years ago it was predicted that all nations of the world would “hand over all authority” to one person who came out of a power alliance of 10.

While organisations like the WEF, WHO, UN, jostle for that global control through politics, the Black Rock, Pfizers, Bill Gates and the Rockefellers of this world use money to increase their control and global reach. Meanwhile Islamic nations in the OEC prepare for a third caliphate.

The prophets warning spoke about one that will come out of an alliance of 10 kings who would be kings for one hour. Meaning they would be given the power only for a short time to elect this one person.

Rise of the Global Economy

Global control requires a global economy. Never before has a global market been so systemised, allowing for all countries to trade digitally using global banking and distribution systems. All that is needed is for the world to agree on a global currency. The foundations for this are being created as we head into digital cryptocurrencies and reserve currencies. The person will control this system so that only those that comply can trade.


Warnings from 2,000 years ago against a mandated identification system using the body (forehead and right hand) that will limit all buying and selling transactions.

Russia, Turkey and Iran Attack Israel

According to prophecy Russia (Magog) will rise as a military power and lead an attack on Israel. (Today, the southern states of the former Soviet Union and Turkey are also Muslim military powerhouses.) Iran (Persia), Sudan (Cush), and Libya (Put) would also partake in this attack on Israel. Turkey (Gomer) would also join in the attack on Israel. 

Jordon and Egypt would not participate in this attack. Interestingly, these two nations have signed recent peace treaties with Israel. Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994. Damascus would also be destroyed in a day in this war.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Until this century mankind has never been capable of destroying all life at once. When these prophecies were made 2,000 years ago the armaments of the day were swords and spears. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is now possible to “wipe out all flesh” on planet Earth in an instant. 

The use of a neutron bomb in the Middle East was also predicted 2,500 years ago. “Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.” 

Peace Deal for Seven Years

Israel wins this war. A mediator will bring about a seven-year peace deal with Israel. However, this man is not what he seems. He will break the treaty in the middle of that seven years. Israel will have rebuilt the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem an important marker of the times). He will then move to a holocaust, where two thirds of Jews will die.

Temple in Jerusalem will be Rebuilt

Even though there is no temple in Israel today, the temple must exist in order to fulfill the words of the prophets. This is one of the most important End Time Markers. When the Temple is complete it will be a loud sign for our generations.

However, the Temple is very close to being rebuilt at any moment. The Temple Institute of Israel has already completed the temple plans and prefabrications to the new temple in Jerusalem. The furniture, vessels, and priestly garments are all complete. 200 young men from the tribe of Levi are currently in training for the required priesthood. Even the red heifers have been bred in readiness. It is in such a state of preparedness that it will take less than a year to rebuild the temple from the start date to begin operations. The institution and dedication of that temple will fulfill another of the End Time Markers.

Instant Worldwide News

It was stated 2,100 years ago that the entire world will watch certain end time events unfold. Only since the invention of the television, computers and smart phones using global satellite networks can news travel the world at the speed of light. When the above was written, news traveled by horseback. 

Selfish Culture

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure.” This selfie generation has been like no other. Self-love, self-esteem, self-reliance, self-gratification are concepts that are all spurred on by our media, schools, sports, psychologists and so on. Even the concept of “Selfies” was unheard of, until the last twenty years thanks to social media. This is one of the End Time Markers we can see playing out right now.


“As in the Days of Noah” we know just like today, the root of the issue was in a culture of pride and complacency. However, they were notorious for their pervasive homosexuality. Today, the LBGTI agenda is similarly promoted with Pride throughout our entire global society.

Wealth and Luxuries

Substantial wealth and luxuries were foreseen. Forty years ago, some authorities predicted that the growing mass of humanity would quickly deplete the world’s resources, in a few decades. Yet today, vast material wealth and luxuries are still in abundant supply just as anticipated 2,000 years ago. 


Epidemic drug use foreseen. The Greek word translated as “sorceries” is the word “pharmakeia”. Pharmakeia refers to the administering and use of drugs and poisons. This comprises of any form of mind-altering drug which includes drugs used to induce trances in religious ceremonies like peyote, mescalin and Ayahuasca. It encompasses spells and potions, medications including the wide-spread use of anti-depressants, supplements and vaccines. Drugs use is more pervasive in this generation than in any other period in history. It fulfills yet another of the end time markers.

False Saviours and Prophets

We are warned of people, products and systems that set themselves up as the “saviors” of world’s problems. The dreaded “antichrist” will ride in on the back of a great planetary need of peace and money. He would be spurred on by an almost religious appeal into his position of power. The absolute power he will be granted would be to the destruction of the world as we know it. He is aided by a religious leader.

The End Times

Prophets then describe a scenario of destruction that could equally be a global nuclear war or the result of two successive asteroids hitting the planet. The resulting damage, inflation, starvation and global epidemics would destroy nearly two thirds of humanity. One third of the rivers and waterways would become poisoned. One third of the plant life and animal life would be completely destroyed. One third of all sea-life would die.

There would be unusual signs in the heavens. The Sun and Moon would be darkened as a result of the surface damage to the earth. Jesus then will return at his second coming, with His people for a final showdown in the valley of Armageddon.

All of this happens in the final seven-year period, predicted over 2,000 years ago by 15 prophets. Then the end will come. 

The Rapture

Many believe that the church will be removed before this final seven year tribulation period comes about. The rapture is said to make way for the rise of the antiChrist leader and the series of events that leads to the worst holocaust against the Jews ever committed. The rapture however, will also bring about a massive planetary revival. That will result in the death of many of these new Christians, referred to as the tribulation saints, martyred before the massive destruction to the planet. Many are also theorising that the Rapture will be masqued as some UFO phenomenon. Be not deceived.

In a typical 1,000-page bible, over 300 pages are devoted just to Prophecy. These predictions were made 2,000 to 3,000 years ago by over fifteen prophets. History has already proven two thirds correct. For example, there were over 250 predictions alone, that Jesus fulfilled, including being born in Bethlehem. That leaves us about 100 pages relating to End Times, flagging specific markers as End Time Markers for future generations. There are over 100 End Time markers and signs and we have only listed some here. Our aim is to show that as a list in a future post.



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