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Will Research into Dark Matter Find Another Realm?

VICTORIA. Channel Nine News recently ran a story on an underground laboratory that is looking for a substance they call ‘dark matter’. The physics lab is located in a Stawell mine in regional Victoria a kilometer underground. The unknown substance they are chasing is believed to make up approximately 85 percent of the mass of the universe. It’s hoped the high-tech lab, which opened last week, will lead to the detection of dark matter within three to five years.

The facility has been eight years in the planning and has been funded by $10 million dollars from state and federal governments and $35 million from the Australian Research Council.

University of Melbourne Professor lead researcher Elisabetta Barberio said dark matter had been eluding scientists for decades.

“We know there is much more matter in the universe than we can see,” she said.

EDITOR: For the millions of people who have experienced the existence of another realm, for the billions that believe in that other realm, we look forward to science finally proving the existence of it.



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