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Cultural Marxism, a tool of Globalism

There are four competing ideologies in our society at the moment, religion, globalism, cultural Marxism and capitalism.

An ideology according to the Italian Marxist philosopher Gramsci is defined as the ruling ideas which present the “social cement” that unifies and holds together the established social order.

In the late part of the last century “the market” rather than “the state” was seen as the source of all wealth and solution to social problems. Wealth was a marker of success and with money came power, influence and privilege. In this ideology the state was pictured instead as a source of overregulation, excessive taxation and bureaucratic inertia.

Today, capitalism is labelled “the evil empire” and pegged with causing the ruination of the planet. Global government is taking up the mantle of being the only solution to climate change and our planetary woes. Through organisations like the UN, WHO, UNESCO it is weaving its policies on child raising, economic, health and even the everyday language we use. The closure of business activities across the globe in response to The WHO’s global Covid policies and then the adoption of mandated vaccines by local governments is an excellent barometer to the strengthening powers of the state and globalism.

Religion on the other hand has taken a beating and indeed there has been a great falling away in both people calling themselves “religious” and the attendances at church gatherings. One of the main reasons for this was the infiltration into churches of the Marxist ideology that religion is only to do with the spirit man and therefore should remain at home or in churches and not be involved in politics or the day-to-day running of a country. It is a completely false notion, as a well-functioning democracy requires men and women to be able to reflect God’s values into society and government. Which required they be involved in the day-to-day. Secondly, religion became big business. By dancing with “the whore of Babylon” it lost its previous standing in the community, through compromise.

Last century saw the rise of mass media and mass culture. It began supplanting older forms of culture whereby the mass reproduction of photography, film, recordings, and publications replaced the emphasis on the originality and ”aura” of the work of art in an earlier era—sponsored and retained by the few that could afford it. 

Cultural Marxism began its rise throughout Europe and the Western world, from the 1960s. Trent Schroyer, used the term Cultural Marxism in his 1973 book The Critique of Domination: The Origins and Development of Critical Theory. Unlike Marxism which primarily focuses on economic inequalities and economic classes, Cultural Marxism sees culture as a main cause for many different kinds of inequalities.

Mass production opened the way for the majority of people to afford the material niceties of life. Cultural Marxism took egalitarianism and “being nice” into Western culture and even religion for that matter. Where “being nice” has now become legislated into our very social fabric courtesy of globalist bodies like the UN.

Contrary opinions, critical opinions are now considered “not nice”, so the hallmarks of democracy of free speech and debate have been supplanted, outlawed and punished socially. Cultural Marxism weaponised “Cancel culture” with the help of big business to silence the masses into conformity. 

Through wealthy patronage, “Cultural Marxism” a doctrine that had its roots in Marxism has now become the dominant force within the social sciences, not just within academia, but also within the mass media, think tanks and NGOs.

Theories that were once considered “immoral” like gay marriage and transgenderism have become mainstream, and those who object are now regarded as on the outer limbs of a corrected society. 

Nonetheless, it should be asked whether such doctrines would have become so influential had they not also converged with the aims of what is now called “globalisation,” and with the patronage of those who are termed “philanthropists”.

The support given by George Soros through his Open Society Foundations to feminism, abortion liberalization, marijuana liberalization, and the world-wide push for transgenderism is vast. He also sponsors organisations like the Democrats in the US, Nation of Islam, BLM, GetUP, Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List and Climate action through Australian Universities to name just a few.

No corner of the globe is unaffected by the efforts of George Soros. No policy area is left untouched. On the surface, the vast number of groups and people he supports seem unrelated. After all, what does climate change have to do with illegal African immigration to Israel? What does Occupy Wall Street have to do with Greek immigration policies? The fact is, that Soros-backed projects share basic common attributes…. They all work to weaken the ability of national and local authorities in Western democracies to uphold the laws and values of their nations and communities.… In other words, their goal is to subvert Western democracies and make it impossible for governments to maintain order or for societies to retain their unique identities and values.

George Soros, a Fabian Socialist, is quoted as wanting to bring order out of chaos. Klaus Schwab leader of the World Economic Forum and host of DAVOS, wants a great reset, —his mantra is “you will own nothing and be happy”. To bring in these massive social changes they require the social chaos that adherents to Cultural Marxism can deliver.

Cultural Marxism has become the tool of social pressure, disruption and chaos for the oligarchs and the globalists to take control.


Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance K. R. Bolton1 Academic Member Athens Institute for Education & Research

Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute



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